9 Rare Facts You Wouldn't Believe About This Countries

Each and every other country in the world is unique in its own way. Some have diversified language and people while some are best with their culture and their cultural activities. But there are some countries in the world that are unique but in a different way. Or we can say they are Rare. So here are some rare facts about some countries you wouldn't believe actually exist.

1) Most Obese Population - Nauru
Image Source - Wikipedia.com
Nauru has the unhealthiest population of the world. 95% of its people are overweight. Its obesity epidemic is attributed to the importation of western fast food with an improved standard of living in 20th century due to the planet popularity of its phosphate exports.

2) 350 Sheeps For Every Individual Person? - Falkland Islands
The population of Falkland Islands is little but 3000 people,but it is a half 1,000,000 sheep. So it makes around 350 sheep for every person, not surprisingly its the most exporter of sheep.

3)Country With Most Lakes Within The World - Canada
Canada has most amount of lakes than any country within the planet. it's actually over 3 million lakes!! 9% of its lakes are H2O lakes, and 60% of lakes within the globe are actually found in Canada.

4) Kingdom With No Rivers - Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia
Image Source- Wikipedia.com
Yes!!! Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has no rivers, whatsoever! For a country like Kingdom of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia there has to be some kind of flowing water. Well, to be honest, there isn't! So how do they get their fresh water?? It comes from desalination of plants and underground reservoir.

5) Most Diverse Country - India
In India, one all told the foremost important slogan you'll hear is 'Unity In Diversity'. little question it's one in every of the foremost diverse country within the globe. Culturally, economically,climatically, racially, linguistically, ethnically and religiously India is that the foremost diverse country within the globe. Even in terms of food it's extremely diverse. Every state has its own preparation.

6)Country Where Majority Of Its Citizens Live Abroad - Malta

Yes, Malta could also be a rustic with most of its citizens living abroad. the ecu country suffered with rough economy for years. things became so worse that lots of individuals decided to shift base.

7)Country Mostly Covered With Forest Base - Suriname 
This South-American Nation is almost entirely covered by forest. With 91% of its land covered in jungle, Suriname's half a million residents live primarily along the coast near the capital. Only counted few live in the inland of this country.

8) Largest Country with No Agricultural Land - Singapore
There are extremely small nations with no hints of agricultural economy but a country of the size of Singapore is predicted to have some farms. But almost this whole country is urban,with no dependency on agriculture or whatsoever. Singapore is that the biggest country within the planet to possess no farms!!

9) Most Educated and Literate People - Canada
Canada holds the record of getting most literate people within the planet. With 50% of its people educated at the post secondary level, it seems quite unlikely that the opposite country will pass Canada during this.

Well,these were some of the Rare Facts about some Countries.

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